Since 1949, the Turner family have established a reputation for dependabilty and expertise in the crane industry.
Now with a focus on crane safety and certification, Turner Crane & Rigging School can help you become an NCCCO certified crane operator, certified rigger and/or a certified signal person through training based on the applicable ASME B30 and Federal OSHA Standards.
Your instructor, Howard Turner, has over 50 years of hands on experience in the crane industry and has put his knowledge and expertise together to develop a school focused entirely on crane safety – specializing in safe operation, rigging and signaling. In the classroom, Howard uses visual aids and videos to help make classes interesting and the subject matter understandable. On the school grounds, each crane type is set up to allow students plenty of hands on training and practice.
Don’t just learn enough to pass the test… Acquire the knowledge to become a true crane operator, rigger and/or signal person.
Turner Crane & Rigging School fully endorses the national certification program offered by the National Commission for the Certificataion of Crane Operators (NCCCO), and will prepare candidates for the CCO certification examinations.